
To change an item on the database requires entering a single song, artist or media item on the home page. Selecting the change button takes you to the Change screen where the new value is entered. Selecting Continue validates the change request and selecting Update applies the change to the database. Once the change is complete additional changes can be started from the Change screen for that table.

For any item that is entered it can have either zero, one or many reference related items (ex: A song having multiple artist who have recorded it). If the value an item is being changed to already exist on the database then all references to the 'From:' item will be attached to the 'To:' item. Values entered into the Media field do not allow forward slash. This is because a forward slash is the separater value of the media and company fields when viewed in a List. If Media is inserted to the database without entering a Company value, Company will be assigned a blank key value. Media and Company values are combined to make a unique value.

All updates made to the database pass through case preference check prior to updating the database. Preferences are covered under Options.

Links to detail update guides

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